Innovating Nursing Education: How to Implement Evidence-Based Strategies to Better Prepare Students for Practice
Keith Rischer, PhD, RN, CCRN, CEN
October 11, 2024

Program Description
Most graduate nurses do not possess the clinical judgment skills essential for safe practice. To address this current crisis in competency, the presenter will share educational best practices and practice-based strategies to empower nurse educators to develop clinical judgment in the classroom, but with an additional emphasis on transforming clinical education to better prepare students for the complexities of real-world practice and successful transition to the role of the professional nurse.
Learning Objectives:
Describe educational best practices to develop clinical judgment.
Apply classroom and clinical best-practices to acquire clinical judgment.
Identify clinical reasoning competencies that can be demonstrated to develop clinical judgment in the clinical setting.
Construct a schedule to integrate clinical judgment skills into the clinical setting.

Keynote Speaker:
Keith Rischer, PhD, RN, CCRN, CEN
Keith Rischer, Ph.D., RN, CCRN, CEN is an author, nurse educator, and expert clinician with more than 35 years of experience in various settings, including the emergency department, critical care, and rapid response team.
Keith began his education by earning an associate degree in nursing at a local community college, followed by his baccalaureate degree. To pursue his passion for teaching, Keith obtained his master’s in nursing education and, recently, his PhD in nursing education and administration from William Carey University. He is also certified in emergency nursing (CEN) and critical care (CCRN).
As a researcher, Keith is recognized as a thought leader on clinical judgment and its importance for safe nursing practice and improving patient outcomes.
As an author, Keith has created clinical reasoning case studies, textbooks, student handouts, and creative teaching strategies that educators widely use to help students apply knowledge using clinical judgment skills to complex patient scenarios.
As an expert communicator, Keith is passionate about engaging nursing faculty and students through webinars, live social media presentations, and speaking at conferences and workshops on critical thinking, clinical reasoning, and educational strategies to close the academic-practice gap.
In addition to being the CEO for KeithRN, Keith enjoys playing tennis and reading when he has downtime. Keith’s favorite roles are those of husband, father to five adult children, and grandpa to six grandchildren, with one more on the way!
9:00 –10:30am Transforming the Classroom to Prepare Students for Practice and Licensure
10:30 –10:40am Break
10:40am – 12:00pm Transforming Teaching in the Clinical Area to Prepare Students for Practice and Licensure
12:00 –12:30pm Lunch (provided)
12:30 – 2:00pm Transforming Teaching in the Clinical Area to Prepare Students for Practice and Licensure
2:00 – 2:10pm Break
2:10 – 3:50pm Transforming Teaching in the Clinical Area to Prepare Students for Practice and Licensure
3:50pm Evaluations
Registration Fees
KLN Member: $175
Non-member: $200 - includes membership fee
KLN Retirees: $150
Prelicensure Students: $75
Presentation materials will be available on the website.
$15 - printed materials
All sessions will be held at:
Galen College of Nursing
3050 Terra Crossing Blvd.
Louisville, KY 40245
Hotel Information
For those planning to stay the night, there are several nearby accommodations including:
Holiday Inn Hurstbourne (Use code K5N for Special Rate)
1325 S. Hurstbourne Park
Louisville, KY 40222

Continuing Education Contact Hours
This program is approved for 7.2 KBN Contact Hours
Participants must submit evidence of licensure, attend the entire offering, and evaluate the offering in order to receive contact hours.

KBN Approval: Madisonville Community and Technical College, the Division of Nursing, has been approved as a provider of continuing education by the Kentucky Board of Nursing (KBN). Provider #3-0039-12-25-001. Expiration Date: December 31, 2025. Kentucky Board of Nursing approval of an individual nursing education program does not constitute endorsement of program content.