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"Clinical Judgment for Every Nurse, Every Student, and Every Leader Everyday” 

21st Annual Nurse Educator Conference

May 15-16, 2025 

Louisville, KY

The Kentucky League for Nursing Education invites you to participate in our Nurse Educator Conference focusing on current and future issues of interest to nurse educators. This year's conference will be held in-person at the Holiday Inn East Hurstbourne in Louisville, KY.


Practice readiness through clinical judgment formation has never been more crucial for nursing students. We know that discharge planning begins on admission. That is why starting with day one of nursing school, we help students learn from a patient care perspective of safety. This hands-on workshop will give you firsthand experience with multiple strategies that can be used every hour of every lecture in the nursing curriculum. You will explore practice readiness through the lens of everything that you teach. 


1. Identify the need for practice readiness development in every course in the nursing curriculum.

2. Create a learning activity for use with students this semester.

3. Analyze learning activities for components crucial to development of clinical judgment. 

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? This conference is designed for all nurses with an interest in the future of nursing education. 


Tim J. Bristol, PhD, RN, CNE, ANEF, FAAN.  Tim Bristol is a faculty development, NCLEX, and curriculum design specialist. He has taught at all levels of nursing to include LPN, ADN, BSN, MSN, and PhD. Developing new programs, innovations in learning, Next Gen Clinical Judgment preparation, and helping programs internationally, he is an expert in bringing the evidence-base of nursing, healthcare, and education to students and faculty at al levels. Through consultations, writing, and mentoring, Dr. Bristol assists faculty in identifying the competencies needed to effectively enhance programs for optimal student outcomes and practice-readiness. He has certification as a nurse educator, is a fellow in the American Academy of Nursing, and is internationally known for bringing excitement through success to his colleagues and students. His motto: "Today, we will learn how to learn." 

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Kelly Jenkins, MSN, RN, NE-BC.  Kelly is the Executive Director of the KBN , holding more than 31 years of nursing experience, including a variety of nursing roles in acute care.    Throughout her career, she has worked as an intensive care staff nurse, nurse educator, assistant director of nursing, director of critical care services, director of nursing, director of case management, quality director, and a corporate compliance officer.  Kelly has also served on advisory boards for both health careers at her local high school, as well as the nearby community college nursing program. She has a passion for working collaboratively to drive change as a means of influencing quality outcomes for the constituents of the Commonwealth.  Kelly also served as a KBN Board member for almost 8 years, ending her last term in the position of Board President


Thursday, May 15, 2025

8:00—9:00 AM ……………………………….Registration/Breakfast/Vendors

9:00—9:15 AM ……………………………………………………… Welcome 9:15—10:15 AM ……………...…… J. Bristol, PhD, RN, CNE, ANEF, FAAN

10:15—10:30AM……………….……………………………Break / Vendors 10:30—11:30 AM…………..……Tim J. Bristol, PhD, RN, CNE, ANEF, FAAN 11:30—1:00 PM ……………..……...…Lunch/Business Meeting/Vendors 1:00—2:30 PM……..…………..…Tim J. Bristol, PhD, RN, CNE, ANEF, FAAN 2:30—2:45 PM …………………….………………………Break/Vendors  

2:45—4:00 PM …….…………Tim J. Bristol, PhD, RN, CNE, ANEF, FAAN   4:00—5:00 PM …………………..…………………………………….Vendors


 Friday, May 16, 2025

8:30—9:00AM……………………….……………….…….Breakfast/Vendors  9:00—10:00 AM……………….…………………..……Concurrent Session 10:00—11:00 AM………………………………….……………………Posters 11:00—12:00 PM…………….…………..…Kelly Jenkins, MSN, RN, NE-BC   12:00—1:00 PM……………………………………….….…..…..Lunch/Vendors 1:00—2:00 PM…………………….……………..……Concurrent Session

3:00—4:00 PM………………………….……………...……..Concurrent Session  4:00—4:30 PM……………………….....Evaluations/Silent Auction 


Last day to register is April 1, 2025

​Before 4/1/25

  • KLN Member: $275

  • Retired KLN Member: $200

  • Non-Member: $315 (Includes Membership Fee)

  • Prelicensure Student: $75

After 4/1/25

  • KLN Member: $300

  • Retired KLN Member: $200

  • Non-Member: $340 (Includes Membership Fee)

  • Prelicensure Nursing Student: $75)

Presentation materials will be available on the KLN website. Printed materials may be requested at the time of registration for an additional fee of $25.


Dietary Options

Meals will be buffet-style.

Refund Policy

Refunds will be issued for cancellations prior to April 15, 2025, subject to a $25 administrative fee. Substitutions for paid registrants will be accepted at the door.

KLNE reserves the right to cancel or alter the program if unanticipated circumstances necessitate change.

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All sessions will be held in the Conference Center at the Holiday Inn East Hurstbourne, 1325 S Hurstbourne Pkwy and I-64, Louisville, Kentucky 40222.


A block of rooms have been reserved for conference attendees at a special rate of $129 per night.  This  special rate ends April 15, 2025.  Use Code #KL3.  There is no charge for vehicle parking.   


For reservations, call the Holiday Inn at 502-426-2600.

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Continuing Education Contact Hours

12 Contact Hours

Attendance Requirement

Participants must stay for the entire program and complete the written evaluation to be awarded KBN Contact Hours.

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KBN Approval: Madisonville Community and Technical College, the Division of Nursing, has been approved as a provider of continuing education by the Kentucky Board of Nursing (KBN). Provider #3-0039-12-25-001. Expiration Date: December 31, 2025. Kentucky Board of Nursing approval of an individual nursing education program does not constitute endorsement of program content.

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