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Membership in the KLNE is open to anyone who is interested in fostering the development and improvement of nursing services and nursing education. Nurses make up the largest group of professionals in the healthcare industry, and, working together, we can have a major impact on the issues that affect nursing.
The Kentucky League for Nursing Education is a voluntary, not for profit 501C(3) organization. Contributions of any amount will help support the mission and goals of the League. Being a member of NLN does not make you a member of KLNE.

​Membership Benefits 

  • Discount on KLNE workshops and programs
  • Discount on KLNE convention registration
  • KLNE newsletter
  • Opportunity to network with colleagues throughout the state
  • Voting privileges in KLNE elections
  • Opportunity to serve on KLNE committees and the Board of Directors

​Opportunities to Serve 

KLNE Committees


  • Executive Committee

  • Nominations Committee

  • Anual Conference Committee

  • Finance Committee

  • Strategic Planning Committee


KLNE Committees meet as requested by the Board of Directors. Members will receive notification of additional opportunities to serve as they arise - these include poster and presentation reviewers for the Annual Conference.

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